It’s a sad day for us here at Arktis HQ, as one of the family calls it a day. One of Exeter’s own, Elmer Fanson has decided to get out of the firing line, after 21 years of continued service. He could have won two medals of long service at that rate… or done a lifetime sentence in jail!
We are just glad that Elmer decided to do his lifetime service with us, at Arktis. (Hopefully, it didn’t feel like a sentence!)
Many might not know or recognise the great dedication to the Arktis cause Elmer has shown. In all these years he has been faithfully serving the company, always answering the call to action with great enthusiasm and attention, but, he has never sought any credit or applaud for his hard work. He was just content with a job well done. Well, unfortunately, this time we must disappoint! As we shout from the rooftops of what a wonderful job you have done over the years, helping to get Arktis to where it is today. Who knows where we would be without the experience and patience you have brought.
He has personally worked on nearly every jacket, shirt, trousers, backpack and a whole lot more, that has left these Arktis doors in the last 21 years, so if you own an Arktis garment you have Elmer to thank!
Elmer has helped to train a whole new generation of recruits to help us keep growing Arktis in his absence. He may not be working here anymore, but you can be sure that his work ethic remains. We are sure that he will be back in to check up on us, making sure his high standards are being met!
From all of us here at Arktis, we just want to wish Elmer all the very best with his retirement, it is thoroughly deserved and a well-earned break! Congratulations Elmer.

Congratulations Elmer! Very Best Wishes for your future endeavors! Cheers!